SW Healthcare Business department

We take responsibility for the health of all citizens through a business unit composed of professional personnel. 

SW Healthcare Business department

We take responsibility for the health of all citizens through a business unit composed of professional personnel.

Medical Devices

Medical device department

In addition to the products developed by our headquarters, we support various categories of services based on changes in the market and customer needs.The Medical Device Division is always striving to take responsibility for the health of the Korean people and make efforts in our business

Rapid diagnostic kit

We provide rapid diagnostic products with high sensitivity and specificity through perfect quality control.

Diagnostic inspection

[Clinical Chemistry] Elitech, Biobase
[Hematology] Boule Medical AB Diagnostic Equipment and Reagent
[Pathology] Liquid Cytosis Test System
It provides the best quality and service

Specimen transport kit

This specimen transport kit boasts excellent quality based on its strong and durable construction.

Medical Devices

Medical device department

In addition to the products developed by our headquarters, we support various 
categories of services based on changes in the market and customer needs. 
The Medical Device Division is always striving to take responsibility for the health 
of the Korean people and make efforts in our business.

TEL : 02-6949-6030 ㅣ FAX : 070-7545-3001
Email : admin@swhealthcare.co.kr
Sohadong Sohatopia-503, 15, Soha-ro 109 beon-gil, Gwangmyeong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Copyright © 2022. SW Healthcare CO. LTD. 

All rights reserved.